Ukrainian media
fighting to survive
Here's the situation:
Dozens of newspapers and online media outlets have closed.
Journalists not being paid.
Equipment in short supply.
“The best way the West could help Ukrainian media is to help us pay salaries to journalists. An
average monthly salary of a local journalist in Ukraine is just €400, but as publishers have no
revenue, they won’t be able to keep the staff. We are not oligarchs. We don’t have dollars stashed
in the basement. We don’t need more training from the West. We know how to do journalism
and how to stay safe. The country needs weapons to defend itself, and the media need to be able
to feed journalists so they can continue reporting.”
- Oleksander Chovhan, chairman
Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine
Want to help? Make a donation to Ukrainian publishers here. Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation in Poland has a dedicated fund to help Ukrainian journalists. You can make a donation here. Want to team up with Western publishers organizing support for the Ukrainian media? Contact Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation by emailing Joanna Krawczyk.
Kyiv-based English language news site gains
more than 1 million viewers since start of war

The Kyiv Independent, a Ukrainian English media outlet, gained 1 million followers in the wake of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, Anastasia Lapatina, a journalist with the Independent, tweeted last week.
The startup outlet, with a Twitter following now passing 1.4 million, came to be after a group of more than 30 ex-Kyiv Post journalists joined forces with the aim of regaining editorial independence and carrying on their values after the owner shut down the publication on Nov. 8, 2021.
The staff unanimously chose Olga Rudenko, former deputy chief editor at the Kyiv Post, who worked there for 10 years, to helm the new publication as editor-in-chief.
The Kyiv Independent says it was founded on principles that reflect the transition from the Post and that it will always be partially owned by its journalists and won’t “serve a rich owner or oligarch.” Its revenue will be derived from readers, donors and commercial activities.
Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine Feb. 24, 2022, after tension built up at their borders as a result of Russian troops being stationed there. Many well-known political figures and celebrities of Ukrainian heritage have issued statements about these events. President Biden aims to impose economic sanctions in order to get President Vladimir Putin’s attention.
To support the Independent’s fight to publish accurate coverage and counter misinformation, you can donate to their Patreon link or their gofundme page
More ways to help...
Here are more places you can help support Ukraine journalism as well as provide humanitarian aid.
Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation media support
In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and spreading disinformation, the Polish-based Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation and its partners have decided to establish a Fund for Ukraine to support journalists and publishers directly in war zones.
Ukraine is facing an unprecedented, full-scale war. Media across the country continue to operate under the most challenging circumstances. They have shown extraordinary courage, but the reality on the ground is that most operations cannot continue from Ukraine alone. This fundraiser is aimed at helping media relocate, set-up back offices and continue their operations from neighboring countries. Ways to support media activities in Ukraine (e.g., purchases of security equipment, paying drivers, medical care) are outlined below. This campaign is run by a consortium of The Fix , Are We Europe, Jnomics and Media Development Foundation as well as multiple media partners from across Europe. We are working with a growing list of Ukrainian media, including Ukrainska Pravda, Zaborona, Detector Media and others. Support is allocated based on urgency of needs in the first place, then distributed proportionally.
If you want to provide support to fund media operations in Ukraine, please reach out to Stichting Are We Europe Foundation.
If you want to provide funds to individual media directly, contact us and we will provide a list with their details.
We are running a separate fundraiser for the Kyiv Independent - if you can support them, please do so.
If you are representing other independent media covering the war, want to be a part of the campaign and receive financial or any other help, please send a short description of your media and the list of urgent needs using the contact button on our fundraiser page (bear in mind immediate support on the ground is extremely difficult to provide).
If you want to support local and regional media, which are covering the war in other parts of the country, you can also reach out directly to Media Development Foundation:
Ukrainska Pravda ("Ukrainian Truth")
No one in Ukraine knows the days of the week from Monday anymore, everyone is counting the days since the beginning of the war. And everyone who considers oneself a Ukrainian - in their own land or abroad, endeavors to bring the time of our victory closer. Everyone fights for the state as they can. The editorial board of Ukrainska Pravda ("Ukrainian Truth") does what it does best - it searches, checks and publishes information. And this work objectively helps to change life and influence the course of events.
Ukraine is facing an unprecedented attack. The Kyiv Independent continues to work, bringing the world trusted, important information about the facts on the ground. We need your support in this difficult and unpredictable task. From cyberattacks, bombings, ground invasions - it is hard to predict what the days ahead will bring and what we will need to respond.
Humanitarian aid
All Hands and Hearts Ukraine Support
All Hands and Hearts has urgently deployed a team to Poland to support people at risk due to the violent invasion of Ukraine. Activated and inspired by the personal efforts of our co-founder Petra Nemcova and multiple members of our board who mobilized to support the transportation of unaccompanied minors at risk, we are leveraging our proven disaster response abilities to assist in this extraordinary event.
AltexSoft in Kharkiv
A high-end IT company in Ukraine, AltexSoft is providing humanitarian aid to its staff and communities it serves. Says CEO Oleksandr Medovoi, "We understand that we must continue our humanitarian aid to communities most hit by the conflict, primarily Kharkiv. That is why we have created gofundme and givesendgo campaigns in support of our efforts. Many have asked how you can help Ukraine in these times of crisis. Now we have another option for you, if you can, please donate to our cause. We organize these relief efforts through our partner charity New Life Atlanta that has 503(c) status, and the money will be managed by AltexSoft team in partnership with Kharkiv IT Cluster. The donation will be tax deductible. The money will go to further evacuations from the zones of active conflict, as well as the provision of food, water, medicine and shelter to those still staying in Kharkiv. You may also write a check to New Life Church with the address 3150 Old Atlanta Road, Suwannee, GA 30024; on the memo, please write "Kharkiv," and it will come directly to the fund that we are going to manage."
Meduza - Russian-speaking media
Meduza is run by Russian journalists that left the well-respected Lenta in protest against their Chief Editor being fired. Meduza is based in Riga, but has a large network in Russia. Subscribe or donate here.
OVD-info - Human rights in Russia
OVD-info is an independent media project, focusing on human rights and political persecution in Russia.
They will continue to report despite being blocked by the authorities. To support human rights in Russia donations can be made to OVD-Info here.